Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Picture Speaks: More than 1000 words

As it truly said picture speak more then 1000 words, and the same picture will narrate different story for its observers

Squirry (Gappusingh): Its been close to a year since he has befriended us, and lately we do wait for him, and check if is not visible… how do we know he is waiting for his snack… he starts scratching or tapping on the door… time for a piece of biscuit… at this Choc-chip to falls in his share…

Initial days when we opened the door he would run mile away… and today he is all ready to jump in for his treat…

Looking at his among his peers we feel he are the reason he looks chubby in the gang….

 DiyaDipawali. Festival of lights, a small light can drive away the most fearful darkness…


 How thick and dark the clouds be, Sun will find its way to enlighten.

Standing Strong and steady tide after tide and making sure Captain Jack Sparrow knows its port 

Reading: Over and Over again

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